Saturday, January 5, 2013


Leaders & Emperors of Ancient ROME -

Siege of Troy to Battle of Yorktown

It extends through 16 centuries and includes several stages in the history of the Roman State from Monarchy to Republic to  Imperial Empire.




ERA OF TIME >                                    CONTEMPORANEOUS LEADER & EVENTS

1260 BC >                                                                            Greek Army Defeats Trojans at Troy (Turkey) 20 yrs of siege
                                                                                                   "Troy" (2004) Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Julie Christie, 
                                                                                                        Orlando Bloom, Peter O'Toole.

753 BC- 509 BC >                                                              Rome -  Monarchy Founded In  Italy
                                                                                                Roman Monarchy ends after 250 years of King of Romans.
                                                                                                Founded 4-21-753 BC. by Romulus and Remus.
                                                                                                Romulus descendant of Trojan Prince Aeneas. 
                                                                                                (See writings of Virgil -"The Aeneid", and  Plutarch)

567 BC >                                                                               HEBREW ARC OF THE COVENANT -
                                                                                                 Disappears from recorded history.
                                                                                                  ("Raiders of the Lost Arc") Paramount (1981).

509BC-27 BC >                                                 Constitutional Republic of Rome -  Begins. Lasts 400 years.

480 BC >                                                                              SPARTAN  300.  Battle of Marathon 490 BC between
                                                                                                  Persia and Greece is Greek victory but leads to
                                                                                                  Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC. 
                                                                                                  King  Xerxes of Persia defeats King Leonidas of Greece.
                                                                                                   "300"(2006) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey

480 BC >                                                                              BATTLE OF ARTEMISIUM - Large Naval engagement following
                                                                                                battle of Marathon August-September 480BC between Greek &
                                                                                                Persia military.(300 Rise of Empire",March 7, 2014, Eva Green)
356-323BC >                                                                      Alexander "The Great" born and rules Greek & Macedonian
                                                                                               Empire. "Alexander"(2004) Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie,
                                                                                                 Val Kilmer)                                                                                             

218 BC >                                                                               Canae Battle- Hannibal Barca of Carthage, North Africa, defeats
                                                                                                 Roman Army of 70 thousand in Italy.
                                                                                                 First use of 'Double-Envelopment' Strategy.

146 BC >                                                                                Roman Legions Conquer and Destroy Carthage

                                                                                                 Carthage, North Africa, (Tunis, Tunisia)
                                                                                                 in Third Punic War.  (Punis = Tunis)
                                                        [In the film "Patton", General Patton claimed to have actual memories of this battle.]
                                                                                                 "Patton"(1970) George C. Scott, Karl Malden, Michael Bates

71BC >                                                                                  SPARTACUS is captured and killed
                                                                                                by General Crassus near Quaglietta, in  High Sele Valley
                                                                             after leaving encampments on  Mt. Somma-Vesuvius, Campania, Italy.
                                                                                 - "SPARTACUS"(1960) Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Tony Curtis.


49- 44 BC >                                                                           Gaius Julius Caesar

 (Appointment asPerpetual Dictator)                               (Julius Caesar)

                                                                                                 Aspired to be first Roman Emperor.

                                                                                                 Killed March 15, 44BC , Ides of March
                                                                        See  W.Shakespeare "Julius Caesar" and "Antony and Cleopatra",
                                                                      "Cleopatra" (1963)  Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall



Today the United Kingdom (Great Britain) and the former Soviet Union, Russia, have political systems most closely resembling this model of Government. 
Will the United States of America bow to increased debt, economic and political degeneration then devovle to this system of Imperial leader in the future?
How can there be a Constitution, Senate and Emperor at the same time?
How can there be SPQR?

27-14 BC            Augustus (Octavius)
                              First Emperor of Rome. 
                              Adopted son of Gaius Julius Caesar.


14 BC-37AD       Tiberius

                              Jesus of Nazareth is born in Bethlehem during the season of the
                              Tax Census laws of Augustus Caesar. (Christmas);
                              33 AD Jesus Christ is Crucified in Jerusalem, Judea after trial by
                              Pontius Pilate, Roman Governor.)  (Easter).
                              Films: "BEN HUR "  (1959) Charleton Heston, Jack Hawkins, StephenBoyd, Martha Scott, Sam Jaffe.
                                       "Jesus of Nazareth" (1977) TV Mini series, numerous  film stars -
                                                  - James Farentino, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, James Mason.

      9  AD            Battle of Teutoburg Forrest - Northen Germany-  Governor Publicus Quinctilius Varus, an administrative official, 
                          is betrayed by a German converted to Roman known as Arminius (Herman). Varus ignores warnings not to trust Arminius.
                          Varus was ambushed by this despicable treachery. 3 Roman Legions are destroyed.  
                          Roman dominance in the region is partially restored after ROMAN victories under GERMANICUS in 14 AD.

37-41 AD            Gaius (Caligula) (Little Boots)
                              (First  Roman Legion Encamped in Britannia 40AD)

41-54                   Claudius  (Claudius the Stutterer) Uncle of Caligula (Little Boots)

54-68                   Nero
                                68 C. Iulius Vindex
                                 68 L. Clodius Macer

68-69                    Galba
                              C. Nymphidius Sabinus

69                         Otho

69                         Vitellius

69-79                   Vespasianus

79-81                   Titus

                              August 24, 0079, Mt.Somma-Vesuvius erupts destroying Pompeii &

                                  Herculaneum near modern Naples.
                               "The Last Days of Pompeii" (1935) Preston Foster, Basil Rathbone, Alan Hale. Ward Bond.
                                        "The Last Days of Pompeii" (1984) TV Mini Series, Ned Beatty, Ernest Borgnine.

81-96                  Domitianus

89                         L. Antonius Saturninus

96-98                    Nerva

98-117                 Trajan  - The Spanish Emperor of Rome.  From Roman Province of what is now Andalusia Spain.
                               Not from the Patrician elite Roman ethnic class of previous Emperors.  Empire reached
                               greatest and largest geographical area during this Imperial leadership rule.

117-138                Hadrian -  Second cousin of Trajan.  Born in Spain of Italian ancestors.

                               Builds Wall of Hadrian in Scotland & series of Forts and Outposts to protect

                               Roman Colony across the whole island of Britannia.  The wall survives to this day.

138-161               Antoninus Pius

161-180                Marcus Aurelius

                              ( Played by Richard Harris in the Film "GLADIATOR" Staring Russel

                                Crowe as Maximus)
                               "GLADIATOR" (2000) Richard Harris, Russel Crowe, Connie Nielsen, Joaquin Phoenix

161-166 175       Avidius Cassius

                               L. Verus

180-192               Commodus (Son of Marcus Aurelius) (see above)

192-193               Pertinax

193                       Didius Julianus

193-211              Septimius Severus

193-194               Pescennius Niger

193-197              Clodius Albinus

211-217              Antoninus (Caracalla)

211                        Geta

217-218                Macrinus

218                        Diadumenianus

218- 222               Elagabalus
                               Gellius Maximus

222-235                Severus Alexander

225-227                L. Seius Sallustius

235-238               Maximinus Thrax

238                       Gordian I
                              Gordian II
                              Pupienus (M aximus)

238-244               Gordian III

240                        Sabinianus

244-249                Filippus l' Arabo

248                        Pacatianus

248                        Iotapianus

247-249                Filippus Iunior

249-251                Decius

250                         L.Priscus

250                         Iulius Valens Licinianus

251                         Herennius Etruscus

251                         Hostilian

251-253                Trebonianus Gallus

253                         Uranius Antoninus

253                         Aemilius Aemilianus

253-260                 Valerian

253-268               Gallienus
        260                  Ingenuus
        260                  Regalianus
        260-261          Macrianus Senior
        260-261          Macrianus Iunior
        260-261          Quietus
        261                   Piso

261                           Valens

261                           Ballista

261                           Mussius Aemilianus

262                           Memor

262, 268                   Aureolus

268-270                   Claudius II Gothicus

270                           Quintillus

270-275                   Aurelian

271-272                   Domitianus

271-272                   Urbanus

271-272                  Septimius

273                           Firmus

270-271?               Felicissimus

272                         Vaballathus

260-274      -Gallic Emperors-  (Gaul = France)  [ See Julius Caesar, "Gallic Wars" - 58 BC to 50 BC ]

260-269                Postumus

269                         Laelianus

269                         Marius

269-270                Victorinus

271-274               Tetricus I

273?-274            Tetricus II

                    Saint Valentine tortured and killed in Rome February 14, 0273 AD.                                 
                           According to official biography of the Diocese of Terni, Italy, Bishop Valentine was born and lived
                            in Interamna, Italy and was imprisoned and tortured in Rome on 14 February 0273 while on
                            temporary stay there.  His body was buried in a hurry at a nearby cemetary.  A few nights later
                            his disciples came and carried him home.

 273                       Faustinus

275-276              Tacitus

276                       Florianus

276 - 282            Probus

280                      Bonosus

280-281             Proculus

281                     Saturninus

282-283            Carus

283-284            Numerianus

283-285            Carinus

284-305             Diocletian

295                     L. Domitius Domitianus

297-298           Aurelius Achilleus

303                    Eugenius

285 ca.310       Maximianus Herculius

285                   Amandus

285                  Aelianus

286?-297?     Imperatori britannici

286/7-293      Carausius

293-296/7     Allectus

293-306         Constantius I Chlorus

293-311         Galerius

305-313         Maximinus Daia

305-307         Severus II

306-312         Maxentius

308-309         L. Domitius Alexander

308-324         Licinius

314(316?)     Valens

324                 Martinianus

306-337        Costantinus I (Constantine)  -  IN HOC SIGNO VINCES -
                        Birth of Papacy of Roman Catholic Church.   Northern England, City of York, statue of
                        Emperor Constantine when  proclaimed "Augustus" 306AD.  October 27, 312AD has dreams
                        and visions of the Cross of the Risen Christ.  In Hoc Signo Vinces or "with this sign, you will conquer"
                        at Milvian Bridge, Ponte Milvio, at the Tiber River, north of Rome, Italy.  In 325AD convened First
                        Ecumentical Council at Nicaea, Turkey.  Compiles Holy Bible we read today.

333/334       Calocaerus

337-340       Costantinus II

337-350       Costans I

337-361       Costantius II

350-353       Magnentius

350                Nepotian

350                Vetranio

355                Silvanus

361-363       Julianus

363-364       Jovianus

364-375       Valentinianus I

375                 Firmus

364-378        Valens

365-366        Procopius

366                Marcellus

366-383         Gratian

375-392       Valentinianus II

378-395       Theodosius I il Grande

383-388       Magnus Maximus

384-388      Flavius Victor

392-394      Eugenius Somma

400-800 AD >                                    The Dark Ages and Rise of Islam begins.

                                                              753BC to 400AD:   1200 Years of Roman dominance ebbs for 400 years.  The illumination that was Law, Litrature, Medicine, Culture, Refinement, Sports, Entertainment, Engineering, Architecture, Art, Science, Theology, Commerce, Government, Military Technology and  Regimentation wains and bows to Vandals. They are terrorists. Then as now, terrorism is a product of the heart not the mind. The 911 highjackers and their hundreds of coconspirators around the world were all educated people.  Evil is a product of hate not intelligence.

In England, there are Legends of the Last Lost  Roman Legion IX  restructuring, reorganizing, reassembling and the beginnings of Arthur of Camelot Legend.   The world is dark with a light at the end of the tunnel.   On Christmas Day  800AD, comes the rise of Charlegmagne and the Holy Roman Empire with his Holy Sword of Conquest "Joyeuse". It is said to contain remnants of the Cross of  the Risen Christ.  Today it is vaulted at the Abby of St. Denis, Paris, France.
                         "EXCALIBUR" (1981) Nigel Terry, Helen Mirren, Liam Neeson, Patrick Stewart.
                         "The Last Legion" (2007) Colin Firth, Ben Kingsley, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

428>                                              SAINT PATRICK OF IRELAND.  Begins his ministry in Ireland to convert Celtic
                                                           peoples to Roman Catholic Christianity using parable of the Shamrock
                                                           from his origins in post Roman Britannia.

434-453>                                       ATTILA THE HUN.    Ruler of Hunic Empire. Russia, France, Germany & Hungary.
                                                        Advances to northern Italy.  Stopped before reaching Rome by coalition of Roman
                                                           and Visigoth forces at battle of Catalaunian Plains in present day France.

527-565>                                       JUSTINIAN  I  .  "Justinian the Great" rules as Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. 
                                                        Also known a BYZANTINE EMPIRE.  With his wife, Theodora, they sought to revive and
                                                        extend the former opulence, splendor, and classical glory of Imperial Rome Golden Age.
                                                        The result was a  partial restoration of the Western Empire until age of Charlemagne.

Dec 25, 800 >                                CHARLEMAGNE  (Charles the First of France).
                                                         Crowned First Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, 12-25-0800,
                                                         Merry Christmas.
                                                         Defeats Muslim Army, Battle of Tours, France 0732 AD.

800-900>                                        VIKING RAIDS.  Vikings of Norway raid England after end of Roman
                                                           dominence until unification under Normans of France in 1066.
                                                           "The Vikings", (1958) Kirk Douglas, Ernest Borgnine, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh

Oct 14, 1066>                                BATTLE OF HASTINGS.  England becomes ruled by Norman-
                                                          French of Normandy, France. Lead by William the "Conqueror".
                                                          The Legend of Robin Hood,  Locksley, of Sherwood and Nottingham begins.
                                                           "Adventures of Robin Hood " (1938) Errol Flynn, Olivia deHavilland, Basil Rathbone
                                                                              "Robin Hood" (2010) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Max von Sydow

1071 -1095>                                   KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.  In 1071 Turks defeat Eastern Holy Roman Empire Army
                                             (Byzantine Empire) in Constantinople and gain control of Christian dominated
                                                            Jerusalem.  Pope Urban II in Rome proclaims Holy Crusade to free Jerusalem from
                                                            Muslim military occupation.  First Crusade.
                                                            "Kingdom of Heaven" (2005) Liam Neeson, Eva Green, Orlando Bloom
July 10, 1099>                              EL CID.  Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, known as El Cid Campeador, a
                                                         Castilian nobleman, military leader, and diplomat. Defeats Islamic
                                                         Moors at Valencia, Spain.
                                                          "El CID" (1961) Charleton Heston, Sophia Loren, Raf Vallone

1227>                                              DEATH OF GENGHIS KHAN.   Founder and leader of Mongol Empire.
                                                            Empire stretched from Sea of Japan to Caspian Sea and reached high point 1279.

1271-1295>                                   MARCO POLO.  Travels from Venice, Italy to China at the court of Kublai Khan and
                                                          back to Venice.   Marco Polo probably returned with knowledge of making Pasta  
                                                          noodles, Gunpowder, and a vast Ocean to the East of China.

Friday, Oct 13, 1307>                  KNIGHTS TEMPLAR.  Headquarters in Paris, France is attacked by King Phillip IV 
                                                          of France  with reluctant acquiescence of Pope Clement V in Rome.  
                                                           Templar Knight order is dissolved and disappears into "mythical fame."
                                                           Superstition of "unlucky Friday 13th" is born in Europe.

1347-1352>                                   BUBONIC PLAGUE.  Black Plague strikes medieval Europe.  Kills 25 million
                                                          in 5 years.

June 15, 1429>                             JOAN D'ARC  ( Joan of Arc).  Rout of English Army at Beaugency, France
                                                          during 100 Years War between England and  France.

May 29, 1453 >                              FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE.  Mehmed II of Ottoman
                                                          Muslim Turks defeat Christian Constantine XI. City renamed
                                                          Istanbul.   All trade routes to East and China blocked.

1456-1462>                                    DRACULA.  Vlad "The Impaler" Dracul.  Romanian -Vlad Tepes, Prince of Wallachia.
                                                          Hero in Bulgaria and Romania  by protecting Christianity from encroachment by
                                                          Muslim rule of the Ottoman Turk Empire.
                                                          Many films to include "Dracula"(1973) starring Jack Palance.

January 1,  1492 >                        CAPTURE TREASURE OF GRENADA. Queen Isabella and King
                                                          Ferdinand of Spain defeat last Islamic stronghold of Grenada in Spain.
                                                          Happy New Year 1492.

1492>                                              SPANISH   INQUISITION.  Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition.
                                                            Royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert
                                                              to Christian Roman Catholic Religion or leave Spain.
                                                              "History of the World Part 1"(1981) Mel Brooks, Dom DeLuise, Madeline Kahn

Friday, Oct. 12, 1492 >                 NEW WORLD VOYAGES. Christopher Columbus sails to New World
                                                          with financing & Flag of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
                                                            "Christopher Columbus - The Discovery"(1992) Marlon Brando, Benicio Del Toro
                                                                 George Corraface, Rachael Ward, Tom Selleck, Robert Davi, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

1503-1504>                                    LEONARDO DA VINCI.  Begins to paint MONA LISA in Florence (Firenze), Italy.

May 20, 1506>                               CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.   Deceased in Valladolid, Spain, 2 years after Fourth
                                                          voyage to what is now Panama Canal Zone, Central America.  He was 54 years old.

1507>                                               FIRST MAP OF AMERICA.   Martin Waldseemuller and Matthias Ringmann of
                                                              Germany, working at Saint  Di'E, France, produce the very first Map in the
                                                               history of the world with the name "AMERICA"based on voyages of Columbus

                                                                and Amerigo Vespucci.    AMERICA is born.
                                                                 Not understood until 1519 when Magellean circumnanavigates Globe.  
                                                                   Only known Copy acquired and housed in Library of Congress, May 2003.

1508>                                              MICHAELANGELO.   Commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
                                                           in Rome, Italy by Pope Julius II. 
                                                           Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 Mar 1475–18 Feb 1564)
                                                            "The Agony and the Ecstacy" (1965) Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison

1513>                                               MACHIAVELLI.        Niccolo Machiavelli publishes "The Prince".
                                                             Well known treatise advancing new political science for its time.
                                                              Also from Florence (Firenze), Italy had some collaboration with DaVinci.

Wed., Oct. 31, 1517                       PROTESTANT REFORMATION.    Martin Luther publishes his 
                                                              'Ninety-Five Theses on the  Power and Efficacy of Indulgences' by writing
                                                               and sending to his Roman Catholic Archbishop at  Mainz, Germany.
                                                               Luther is a devout Roman Catholic Monk and Priest up to this time. 
                                                               Previous to this schism all Christians are Roman Catholic in Europe.

1519-1522>                                    CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF GLOBE.  Portugese Sailor and Navigator, 

                                                            Ferdinand Magellan, circumnavigates earth Atlantic to Pacific.
                                                             Magellan is killed in Phillipines during expedition.

July 1, 1520>                                 HALLS OF MONTEZUMA .  Aztec King Moctezuma II (Montezuma)
                                                          killed at Aztec Capital, island city of Tenochtitlan, (Mexico) during
                                                          occupation of Royal Spanish troops under command of Hernan, (Hernando)
                                                          (Fernando) CORTEZ.  (See Indiana Jones-Last Crusade "Cross of Cortez").
                                                             "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Harrison Ford, Sean Connery.

Dec. 17, 1538                                 HENRY VIII   EXCOMMUNICATED.    From Roman Catholic Church by
                                                          Pope Paul III.   Marked final results of long standing disputes between English
                                                          Royalty and Roman Catholic Church.  Disputes began in 1534 when Henry was

                                                          denied consent to divorce.  Church of England is born.

1558>                                              NOSTRADAMUS.  Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566).  Third Edition of
                                                          prophecies published.  Somme quatrains speak of the "New City."

March 1, 1579>                             PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN.  Sir Frances Drake under permission of Queen
                                                          Elizabeth I of England, in fast Caravel ship, "GOLDEN HIND" captures
                                                          large Spanish Galleon "CAGAFUEGO" and takes huge treasure of
                                                          silver, gold, precious gems. Thus began Era of Pirates of the Caribbean
                                                          on the "Spanish Main." 

Feb. 24, 1582                                  GREGORIAN CALENDAR.      Established by official papal bulletin (bull) of
                                                           Roman Catholic Pope Gregory XIII (thirteenth).  Replaces previous Julian
                                                           Calendar and is more accurate mathematically.

1589>                                              GALILEO GALILEI .  Appointed to Chairman of Mathematics in Pisa, Italy.
                                                          Becomes father of modern astronomy, physics and mathematics.  Uses "Leaning
                                                          Tower of Pisa" in famous experiment in physics.
1597>                                              WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE.  Publishes new Play - "Romeo and Juliet".
                                                          Set in Verona, Italy.  Depicts teenage lovers tragedy in the midst of the feuding Italian
                                                          families of the Montague and Capulets.

Saturday, Nov. 5, 1605                GUY FAWKES.  Celebration of defeat of plot of Guy Fawkes against English Crown.
                                                          Guy Fawkes is burned in effigy on bonfire each year thereafter.

                                                           Fawkes ploted to blow up House of Lords and restore Roman Catholic Monarch
                                                            to England which is gone since Henry VIII in 1538.
                                                             Film loosely based on, "V for Vendetta" (2005) Natalie Portman,  Hugo Weaving, John Hurt

May 14, 1607>                             FIRST AMERICAN COLONY. 
                                                          of Britain at Jamestown, Virginia

1749>                                            JUSTERINI AND BROOKS.  Establish J&B Scotch Whiskey in Scotland.
                                                           By Giacomo Justerini of Bologna, Italy at Scotland, UK. 

1753>                                            GEORGE WASHINGTON. (2-22-1732 to 12-14-1799).  Accepts Officer Commission
                                                           as MAJOR, Militia, British Army, American Colony of Virginia, 1753-1758.
                                                           French and Indian War. (1754-1763).
Oct. 25, 1760>                             KING GEORGE III.  A Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.  Becomes King of
                                                            United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland.

July 4, 1776>                                DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE at Philadelphia by Second
                                                          Continental Congress. USA is born. Constitutional Republic begins.
                                                            "1776" (1972) William Daniels, Howard Da Silva, Ken Howard;
                                                              "The Patriot" (2000) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson

September 3, 1783 >                     TREATY OF PARIS.  After Battle of Yorktown,Va., 10-19-1781,
                                                           Independence of USA recognized.  US separates from
                                                           Great Britain & Holy Roman Empire by Treaty.

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